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onsdag, januari 21

Planera för 1 och 10 år framåt!

Zappo´s VD Tony Hsieh berättar hur han fått företaget att bli så framgångsrikt. 2008 var ett av deras bättre år.  Så här svarar han på frågan kring planeringshorisont: 

Q.  How far in advance do you plan?  
A.  At Zappos, we either think one year ahead or ten years ahead.  We don't really do anything in between.  For ten years ahead we think about what our long-term vision is,  which is definitely very important both for employees and the company.  It's important to take a step toward that vision every day.  And then in terms of one year ahead it's more about executing on the short term.  I think a lot of companies like to put together three or five years plans and I have yet to meet anyone who has done that where things turned out as they expected.  I think it's more important to be able to react to the environment and marketplace.  There's a quote by Darwin where he talked about the species that's most likely to last longest is not the one that's the strongest or the fastest, but the one that's the most adaptable to change.  If you just have that mentality on an ongoing basis, the same thing applies to business.

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