Utvecklar morgondagens företag ...

... genom att erbjuda nydanande lösningar på behov som finns inom många företag idag.

tisdag, september 8

We have 40 years to re-industrialize the planet!

Don Tapscott call himself a media futurist. He´s quiet frank in his predictions of the future. In this short movie the headline is "Re-Industrialize the Planet".

A quick summary:

  • The web is creating a global infrastructure for collaboration (which leads to disruption and confusion)
  • As a result, all of our institutions have come to the end of their life-cycle
  • The current recession is a crucial punctuation point in human history - the point where we said that we need to reset, the point where the industrial economy has finally run out of gas
  • This paradigm shift is creating a crisis of leadership
  • The Digital Natives are inheriting this situation - and they think very differently
  • Kids are now the authority

torsdag, augusti 27

Fast Company´s grundare till Stockholm 30 sept

Jag är och min nätverkskollega Jan lapidoth planerar med Bookhouse Publishing ett antal aktiviteter med Alan Webber 30/9 - 1/10. Hoppa in på den här sidan för mer info och intresseanmälan.

Här berättar Janne mer:

Det här kommer bli grymt bra och kul!

Hälsar Mikael

fredag, juli 10

The future of management

Here's a summary of Gary Hamel's "The Future of Management".

Use it as an inspiration to bring innovation to your company. (and get back to us on how it worked!)

Thanks to my friend Marc who made the summary.

torsdag, juli 9

Right people on the bus

Exellent blogpost about the importance of having the "right people on the bus". The post is written by Tammy Ericksen, an award-winning author, after she met with Jim Collins - the author of "Good to Great"

tisdag, juni 23

fredag, maj 22

Pushing talent by designing specific roles

Recent research shows that companies best able to attract and retain the talent they need share three key characteristics:


• Deep focus of Board, CEO and executive team on the talent of the organisation. This does not just mean that a succession plan is prepared annually by HR and approved by the Board. Neither does it simply mean that the investment in leadership development programmes is top quartile. It means that, if asked, the CEO could describe the career history and development plan of each of his most high-potential employees. It means that the executive team, as a team and as individual leaders, devote up to 30% of their time to talent development and leadership. It means that a core process of the entire organisation is evolving the link between talent strategy and corporate strategy.


• The fundamental development philosophy of these companies is based on talent pushing rather than talent pulling. In these organisations the focus has shifted from role-specific succession planning to employee-specific development planning. The appraisal and development process has shifted from: audit capability, identify gaps, apply development intervention; to: understand unique capability, focus development on deepening capability, design role to leverage capability.


• For these companies, talent management has become a core strategic capability at all management levels. It is measured, rewarded, celebrated and valued. Role model leaders are those who tirelessly develop others, who identify talented people and volunteer them across the organisation and who can list countless people they have developed and mentored. 

torsdag, februari 26

The Survival Academy

The Survival Academy is a temporary academy for learning how to affect and cope with the future of climate change

The Survival Academy is conceptualized as a place where, during the COP15 Climate Summit, participants and the general public can come to learn human capacities of affecting and coping with the future of climate change.

torsdag, februari 19

The power of collaboration!

Listen to Charles Leadbetter talking about the power of collaboration. He´s talking about the conflict between the rising surge of mass collaboration and the attemps to retain top-down control will be one of the defining battles of our time. An exploration of what this means for our culture, the way we work, government, science and business.

Charles Leadbetter, thinker, famed policy advisor to former UK prime Minister Tony Blair, and author of "We think" - a groundbreaking analysis of a changing world.

It´s really something going on in the world that will have profoundly consequences on the way we manage our traditional companies.

onsdag, februari 11

Zappo - creating a wow experience!

According to Hsieh, the ultimate aim of the Zappos brand is to be the very best when it comes to customer service and consumer experience. "Our hope is in 10 years people won't even realize we started out selling shoes online," he explains, "we sell clothing and handbags, accessories - even electronics and house wares." He also points out that it doesn't necessarily need to be online. "20 - 30 years from now, I wouldn't rule out Zappos Airlines," he said.

Great customer service is not something offered by the majority of companies and Hsieh suspects a lot of people are frustrated by this. "In the long run, customer service is just good business," he says. "The problem, however, is that the payoff is usually two or three years down the line."

Given the company made over a billion dollars in gross merchandise sales in 2008 after starting with almost nothing in 1999, and that repeat customers and word of mouth were the main drivers of that growth, we can see how many businesses are trying to model themselves on the force that is Zappos.

So what is different about Zappos?

  • The company provides free shipping both ways
  • Zappos has a 365 day return policy
  • Only products available in the warehouse are placed on the site
  • The warehouse is open 24 hours a day
  • The company is contactable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • The 1800 contact number is prominently placed on every page of the site
  • The company trusts in its reps; sales staff don't have scripts
  • If products are unavailable, sales staff direct customers to competitors

While the company has formalized the definition of its culture into ten core values and people are hired and fired based on those values, Hsieh believes the company culture is different because it is not driven by him, but the employees who themselves determine how they want the culture to evolve.

"We've actually passed on a lot of really talented people that we know would make an impact to our top or bottom line," says Hsieh, "but if you know they're not a culture fit we won't hire them. Similarly, he explains the company will fire people even if they're doing their job perfectly if they're bad for the culture.

The Culture Book, a book Zappos puts out every year, consists of thoughts from all Zappos employees about what the Zappos culture means to them. But for typos, it's unedited. Hsieh offers the book freely to anyone who wants a copy. You can find out more about the culture-book here; http://tinyurl.com/c75btk

Listen to this interview with Zappo´s CEO Tony Hsieh to learn more about this forward thinking company and the man social media experts are calling the master of customer experience: 

söndag, februari 8

Enterprise 2.0

Cisco´s CEO John Chambers gör här en fantastisk beskrivning av hur Cisco har utvecklat sin ledningsmodell genom att utnyttja den moderna tekniken. De har verkligen genomfört en enormutveckling för att utnyttja de möjligheter som teknikutveckling och globalisering har skapat. Den är väl värd att lyssna på!

onsdag, januari 28

Prof Stewart Friedman (Wharton School) tänker kring hur man kan integrera fyra olika roller i livet för att bli mer framgångsrik. Han menar att det handlar inte om att balansera - utan det handlar om att integrera dessa bättre. Han talar om Arbete, Familj, Community och dig Själv.

Artikel finns i senaste HBR men här en kort intervju där han beskriver grunderna:

måndag, januari 26

Rebeller umanar det existerande

Hayagreeva Rao’s nya bok "Market Rebels: How Activists Make or Break Radical Innovations" visar på att aktivister - rebeller - spelar stor roll vid utveckling.

Det är enskilda individer som vågar utmana rådande normer, värderingar och praxis.

Här talar han mer om innehållet i boken:

Här hittar du boken på Amazon:

onsdag, januari 21

Planera för 1 och 10 år framåt!

Zappo´s VD Tony Hsieh berättar hur han fått företaget att bli så framgångsrikt. 2008 var ett av deras bättre år.  Så här svarar han på frågan kring planeringshorisont: 

Q.  How far in advance do you plan?  
A.  At Zappos, we either think one year ahead or ten years ahead.  We don't really do anything in between.  For ten years ahead we think about what our long-term vision is,  which is definitely very important both for employees and the company.  It's important to take a step toward that vision every day.  And then in terms of one year ahead it's more about executing on the short term.  I think a lot of companies like to put together three or five years plans and I have yet to meet anyone who has done that where things turned out as they expected.  I think it's more important to be able to react to the environment and marketplace.  There's a quote by Darwin where he talked about the species that's most likely to last longest is not the one that's the strongest or the fastest, but the one that's the most adaptable to change.  If you just have that mentality on an ongoing basis, the same thing applies to business.

torsdag, januari 15

Steve Jobs kloka ord till de som har livet framför dig!

Här får vi se och lyssna till Steve Jobs när han håller sitt tal till studenter på Stanford University 2005. Han talar om lärdomar från när han blev avskedad från Apple, om livet och döden.

Den har några år på nacken men är väl värd de 14 min det tar att lyssna till!

tisdag, januari 13

Allting är annorlunda - idag!

Tom Peters skriver ofta väldigt läsvärda inlägg på sin blogg. Han menar att det finns stora möjligheter för de företag som har förmåga att kalibrera om.

Don't think of our current economic crisis as a recession. Instead, think of it as a recalibration.

Everything is different now.

If you think of it as a recession, you may be tempted to "hunker down" and wait for the economy to cycle back.

If you think of it as a recalibration, you will be motivated to focus on what you have to do differently, since everything is different now.

The way your business generates results is different, now.

Your customers think differently, now.

Your customers care about different things, now.

Your customers act differently, now.

Your customers may actually be different people, now.

Customers aren't disposable anymore; more than ever, you have to create sustainable customer relationships.

Everything is different now.

I'm posting this on January 7, 2009. One thing I'm convinced of is that the world I am working in today is different from any world I have ever done business in. The world has been reset. We can no longer look at the "LY" column on reports to use last year as a benchmark for what will happen this year.


söndag, januari 11

Tuffa frågor att ställa sig!

Många menar idag att tiderna ställer krav på andra lösningar än hur vi arbetar idag. Jag läser mycket om "new way of working and leading". På sikt kommer detta att vara ganska omvälvande för många företag. Här ett exempel på hur det kan låta:

Every company I speak with is “doing something,” but my observation is that most are talking in broad brushstrokes – “tightening our belts,” “watching our expenses,” “keeping our gunpowder dry,” “cutting back,” or “proceeding cautiously.”

Now is not a time for broad brushstrokes. Now is the time to think, assess and act smart. To help you and your company do that, think about the following six questions:

1. Do you know where the latent profit is in your business?
2. Which of your current customers can help you unleash that latent profit?
3. How does the economic situation help you focus your new customer acquisition efforts?
4. Is your brand strategy right for the times?
5. Are you communicating effectively at all customer touchpoints?
6. How clear and compelling is your internal brand?

Klippet är hämtat från Steve Yastrow som är författare och konsult och beskriver sig på fäljande sätt: 
"In addition to writing, I spend most of my work time helping companies unleash their potential by creating better connections with their customers"

Följ hans tankar på yastrow.com

söndag, januari 4

Exempel från Google

Att Google är ett av de mest spännande företagen idag har inte gått någon förbi. "Alla smarta människor" vill arbeta på Google!
Men hur många har tänkt över vad det innebär för ledarskapet inom företaget. Vad blir ledarnas roll om du har så smarta människor på företaget?
Om du följer nedanstående länk så får du höra företagets CEO Eric Schmidt utveckla sin syn på hur han leder Google.

Vad hindrar ditt företag från att nå målen?

Vi har i ett antal företag genomfört något vi kallar "Strategic Fitness Process". Den syftar till att ta reda på vilka barriärer som idag finns i företaget som hindrar ett effektivtgenomförande av nuvarande strategier. Sättet vi genomför projektet är ganska unikt.

En grupp väl ansedda mellanchefer/nycklpersoner utses till arbetsgrupp. Gruppens uppgift är att välja ut ca 100 medarbetare på alla nivåer i företaget. Dessa intervjuas under 1 - 1 1/2 tmme kring vilka barriärer de uppfattar från sitt perspektiv. Vilka hinder de ser för att kunna genomföra företagsets strategier inom sitt ansvarsområde.

Gruppen samlas och sammanställer vilka mönster man funnit i företaget. Svaga signaler och "gnäll" vaskas bort. Man ser till att ha tydliga exempe och citat för att kunna visa på de barriärer som man funnit. Gruppen får inte ha några egna åsikter utan skall enbart förmedla det som de hört vid sina intervjuer.

Det unika är att det inte skrivs någon rapport, det produseras inga ppt-bilder. Redovisningen till högsta ledningen sker i form av ett samtal gruppen emellan. Man sitter vid ett runt bord och samtalar, utfrån överenskommen fallinje, i ca 4 timmar. Ledningen sitter som mottagare i "U-sittning" runt gruppen och får bara lyssna. Lyssna i fyra timmar för att försöka förstå vad det är som pågår i företaget.

Därefter tackar man gruppen och börjar resonera vad man hört och vilka mönster man ser från lednings-perspektivet. Men, inga snabba lösningar är tillåtna utan vi försöker hålla kvar ledningen i reflektion så långt det går.

Därefter går man in för att ta fram ett förslag till lösning för att överkomma de hinder som finns.

Arbetssättet är mycket effektivt. Det kräver en mogen och nyfiken ledning som är beredd att höra den brutala sanningen. En sanning som egentligen bara är en sammanfattning av de diskussioner som ständigt pågår vid kaffeautomater och i korridorer. Att påbörja denna ärliga konversation och ta konsekveerna av den kan vara det som gör skillnad i den tuffa konkurrens många företag verkar i idag.